Tuesday, 17 June 2008

It's the same

The road is getting narrower
In front of her
Her beloved stars
Have abandoned her
Her bleeding heart
Aches again
She just wishes
It could stop
And release her from pain
It's the same!
It has always been this way!
She was born
On a cursed April day
It's the same!
Her path is not going to change
She was 14 years
When she fell in love
With a 17 year old boy
Who broke her heart
She was an angel at that time
But, screwed by love
She turned to be
A profound melancholy
Stripping her soul
From sunshine rays
Stop blaming her
For her dark fate
It's the same!
She wants it to be the same
It's not the same, anyway
She wants to act
But, she is chained by inaction
Buried in her own keening
She wants to burn
Her history
Her memories
Her clothes
Her pictures
Her candles
Her poems
Even her name
Maybe she can find pleasure
In destroying a life vein
It's the same!
It will always be the same!
Nothing matters, anyway
Now, she is living in fiction
Books she reads everyday
They can take her away
Walking or standing still
Drinking coffee or poison
Talking or keeping silent
Breathing or suffocating
It's completely the same!
Nothing will ever change
She is running out of imagination
Lacking inspiration
Is this a life?
Her grandma visited her in her dream
She said to her:
"Poor sweet!
This is your destiny
So, dont weep!"
It is oki, grandma
She will watch springs go by
Like an old black and white film
Drained from any sense
Using her suffering to survive
Nothing will ever go her way
It's the same!
Still, it's not the same!
Forget about her, anyway

June 11th, 2008


wounded_spirit said...

Is it the same if your beloved stars appear again? I'll make sure to bring'em tonight and forever..
I'm on your side...

muse said...

hehe, thx

void said...

She lost her hope, but then, one day
She will relearn how to play
And all the clouds will go away
It's just decay, rebirth, decay

I love it when somebody has the courage to express in such a sincere manner :)

muse said...

lolz u ended with decay.
shit happens ;D